Client Overview
Our client belongs to a school’s management committee and wanted Saffron Tech to develop a surveillance system for their students that can detect face masks. To ensure fault-less supervision over the students and to attain the trust of guardians, the school’s management asked Saffron Tech to create a real-time detection system that could detect students with or without the face mask.
In the fight against contagious viruses like Covid-19, a Face Mask Detection System proved out to be a very effective measure, especially when it comes to the safety of young students. Since these systems are based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, they can also be put to use in other crowded places such as airports, colleges, hospitals, offices, and such.

We have years of practical experience in developing robust technologies with the help of AI and ML. The Face Mask Detection system will give them real-time visuals of the students and they’ll be able to see which students are wearing the mask and which aren’t.
The sole purpose of this project was to provide a real-time Face Mask Detection System to our client so that the school authorities can easily monitor their students to check whether a student is wearing his/her mask or not.
This system can help the company in rapidly reducing the spread of Covid-19. It can capture the face data of students at the entrance of the school, classroom, libraries, corridors, and more.
The prime highlight of the Face Mask Detection System is that it can monitor both students with and without masks eliminating the need to hire or assign physical, on-ground supervisors.
Solution Offered
Saffron Tech proposed a ‘BeautyAR’ which is a virtual lipstick try-on technology for their website. A POC was built for national cosmetics retailers to directly integrate with their website.
Technology Used
Python Language – Saffron Tech used ‘Python code’ as it is well-suited for A.I. because Python makes the construction of AI models much simpler. It brings a broad choice of systems and libraries; it has also been used by popular brands like LensKart. It can perform an array of complex AI errands and help in constructing AI models at a rapid speed.
Deep Learning Frameworks – Python exhibits a diverse arrangement of libraries for computer reasoning and Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, for deep framework learning, Saffron Tech used Pytorch, Tensorflow, and Keras to base the feature.
Numerical Computation – We used NumPy for boosting information examination and for establishing optimum logical registering. We also used Pandas for information examination. The combination of NumPy and Pandas enabled us to bring our clients the ultimate structure they required.
Machine Learning – For the Machine Learning pipeline, we used sci-kit-learn, a learning library for Python Language which offered various dynamic tools for machine learning such as regression, classification, clustering, and more.
Image Processing – We operated image processing with OpenCV or Open Source Computer Vision Library because it provides more than 2500+ optimized algorithms. Skimage for image pre-processing. We also used PIL, to provide image editing functionalities.
DevOps – We used DevOps with Docker because it makes load balancing simpler with pre-installed service concepts, AWS for Cloud Formation and service integration, and GCP or Google Cloud Platform.
Today, with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, we can develop trained systems that can detect certain features, objects, and people.
The common areas of the school are prone to the spread of viruses like covid-19, therefore it is increasingly important for a school to make sure that all students are wearing their masks at all times. A Mask can filter out a large number of droplets due to which a person can reduce the chances of getting in contact with viruses like Covid-19.
Saffron Tech’s Face Mask Detection system acts as a surveillance system for the school authorities so that they keep a check on students and see whether they are wearing their masks or not. It’ll also help the school in following the standard operating procedures provided by the government.